Archive for the ‘Meet Ups’ Category

Planned meet ups, and discussing and planing meet ups for riding.

Christmas Riding Plans

So who’s up for some riding? Irwin wants some EPIC distance.

Boxing Day (Sunday 26th) and New Years Day (Saturday 1st) have been suggested so far. These could change or be added to, depending on when people are available and the weather.

If you’re interested leave a comment with when is good for you.

New Years Day (Saturday 1st)
Jack R
Matt “Ahsmore”


Meeting in Aston at 10am.

Christmas Riding 2009

[Christmas Eve Ride 07][Christmas Ride 061]In previous years we’ve had Christmas themed rides and boxing day rides, but I don’t think we did one last year. So now is time to plan who wants to join us this year and where and when.

So far Thursday the 24th (Christmas Eve) and Saturday 26th (Boxing Day) are marked for rides. The usual route for Christmas rides is our traditional EPIC loop, comprising 4 or so of the best downhills, which we normally session best bits of. This route will be done on the 26th, no route is planned for 24th yet, suggestions are welcome. Irwin and I are off work after Christmas ’til the 3rd of January, so there may be a ride around the start of 2010 too.

Anyone who knows us is welcome to join us, just leave a comment below.

Boxing day ride; Saturday 26th – Route: Traditional EPIC loop or slight variation?

Jack R

Meeting at 9.30 at the pump track or 9.50 in Aston, and as with other Christmas ride bring warm clothing/gloves food/drink enough for a full day ride.

Ambergate 18th October

So Ambergate is somewhere I have only ever visited once before, back in May with Jeff . Ambergate is often compared to Wharncliffe, but I feel it offers something slightly different. The hill for one is nowhere near as steep or as big as Wharncliffe so the tracks offer a generally less intimidating proposition.

Getting low on one of the many turns on the switchback track

I lost count of just how many riders there were out but at there were at least 15 people i would say, a couple of people i had met before such as the dog man, and Eamon and many new people. Sorry i cant remember many of your names. Anyway this was the first time out with my new Nikon D40 Camera, i bit of a steep learning curve but i am please with quite a few of the shots so something to build on. The Camera itself if awesome.

Jump the bomb holeThe view looking up into the treesThe propper way to clear the rock garden[Gallery Link]09-10-18 Ambergate JI+, 20 Pictures by James

Pump Track this Saturday Afternoon (10th)

[Pump Track Irwin]From 3:30pm on Saturday (10/10/09) we’ll be riding at the Bamford Pump Track. There’s a big new bowl berm opening new lines, possibilities and challenges (see left). Saturday should be dry and reasonably warm and maybe our last to ride the track in dry conditions. I’ll bring my camcorder and hopefully shoot enough for a vid.

You can leave a comment below if you plan on coming.

Thursday night pump track meet?

Me and Jonny were down there tonight, Jonny was persisting with the 360s but not quite making it, we added more to the second jump’s landing and re-shaped its take off to make it steeper. Jonny was almost there on his last attempt but hurt his wrist a bit so called it a night.
I added the a small roller after (or before) the S berm that joins into the mini-loop, it needs more soil but at least now the line is rideable.

So who’s around for Thursday night? Jonny was up for it and I’ll be there, Nicky and Irwin are in France (update & pics soon…). So provided it’s not properly raining aim to get there for 7pm?

❗ Also don’t forget the Clough Climb is this Saturday. Who else is going? I think they might need some marshals.