Pump Track this Saturday Afternoon (10th)

[Pump Track Irwin]From 3:30pm on Saturday (10/10/09) we’ll be riding at the Bamford Pump Track. There’s a big new bowl berm opening new lines, possibilities and challenges (see left). Saturday should be dry and reasonably warm and maybe our last to ride the track in dry conditions. I’ll bring my camcorder and hopefully shoot enough for a vid.

You can leave a comment below if you plan on coming.


  1. alex megson said,

    Wrote on October 9, 2009 @ 11:06 am

    Me Ed and Jack at the moment guys, who else have you got to come?

  2. King_Jeff said,

    Wrote on October 9, 2009 @ 5:14 pm

    Me, Shane & Irwin, maybe some others too.