Posts Tagged ‘Headcam’

Posts with Headcam (Helmet Camera) video footage of riding.

Wharncliffe Helmet Camera – Augest 09

Here is a video filmed by myself following Matt P on a recent trip to Wharncliffe. Including full runs of (in order) Diamandback, XC descent line and NEMBA. Summer has final arrived with Wharncliffe almost being dry.

Hope Cross Helmet Cam

Using Shane’s fancy helmet camera me and Jeff filmed Hope Cross a couple of weeks ago. The plan is to do a runs down all the tracks on the tracks page. We have created a new sub-page in the videos section. So for more information and to download the video go here.

VidPic_08'05'10 HopeX DH HeadCam

Head Cam Link 08-05-10 HopeX DH Head Cam MID