Mono6ti 3-5-2010 Video

Back in May last year, Irwin, Shane and I (Jeff), went for an evening session riding the track known as Mono6ti. The evening sun light made the top section look great and the camcorder did a good job of capaturing it. Irwin managed to get a puncher straight away and, without the right tools, only just managed to get his wheel off to repair it.

I had expected to some other footage to use with it and make a longer video, but that didn’t happen so here’s a nice short late one instead. I’ve still got some other 2010 stuff to edit so expect some more in the coming weeks.


  1. Nat H said,

    Wrote on January 15, 2011 @ 5:12 pm

    Jeff that’s a cracker, nice filming and nice riding!

  2. James Irwin said,

    Wrote on January 15, 2011 @ 7:18 pm

    Fingerless gloves Shane! i had forgotten about that.

    Wish it was the summer already. Need to ride Mono soon has been ages.

    Nice video Jeff 🙂

  3. Jeff R King said,

    Wrote on January 16, 2011 @ 1:05 pm

    Cheers boyos. I was quite pleased with it too.

    So did you win Mickey’s race today Nat?

  4. Nat H said,

    Wrote on January 16, 2011 @ 3:56 pm

    Naa Jeff, Eamo won it in the end! Well, I took my hardtail and got the fastest time but after the ‘bag dipping’ (oo-er) Eamo came out on top! It was a good day, shame you guys couldn’t make it. 🙂

  5. Jeff R King said,

    Wrote on January 17, 2011 @ 7:42 pm

    Yes, I’d heard Eamo had been working on his dip skills during the off season, looks like it paid off for him.

  6. Eamo said,

    Wrote on January 22, 2011 @ 11:34 am

    Iam the king of the dips!!! All the agony of my extreme training & personal dipping trainer paid off.

  7. scaryfirelady said,

    Wrote on February 25, 2011 @ 9:37 pm

    hey guys, sorry, dont know where to post this question.

    Im wondering of you could recommend a decent single track ride for me.

    Im reletively new to the area, and want to get a decent single track downhill run done soon.

    So any hints would be great


  8. James Irwin said,

    Wrote on March 29, 2011 @ 12:27 pm


    There are sections of single track in various places in the North Peak. The most classic of all is probably Cut Gate Which is located at the very top of the upper Derwent valley.

    Other sections that might be of interest are Derwent edge the upper sections ridden in either direction are good single track. I personally prefer to climb the route linked above and decent towards cutthroat bridge.

    Hope this helps.