Link & Site Updates
I’ve change the addresses of the pages and posts, eg the their ID number that is shown in the URL address ie This means old pages and posts will now have their previous URLs, so links from other sites to the video page will now work correctly. I also moved new post IDs to better position so they follow on from the old posts. This does however mean that Recent Comments in the Sidebar will only show comments from now on. But apart from that it all seems good and working (I hope).
But let us know if you experiencing any links not working. Leave a comment here with the Target URL (right click the link and do Copy Link), and the Source Location URL, eg the page you where in at the time (that’ll be in the address bar up top). Thanks.
Other recent features include addition of the Videos and Links pages, and the Subscribe to Comments options, can also edit any comment make for five minutes after you make it. The comment posting system now uses ‘AJAX’ so it doesn’t refresh the whole page, it just adds the comment on the bottom. There is also a spell checker option. There are now buttons for formatting the comment text and adding links and images too (make sure any image you link in not wider than 640 pixels tho), and remember any style tag button you have to click it where you want the format to stop.
I’ve also added the for Users to have an Avatar, you may remember this from the old site version, but this time round I’ve done a proper Admin pager for it (along with some other boring code improvements), which you will find in your Profile page, up the top the LCA Uploader tab. Once you’ve uploaded your picture it will be displayed next to your comments. I’ve had to customise this plugin a LOT so let me know if you have problems or error messages.