Pearce Cycles 2010 – Round 3 – Bringewood

[10-05-15 Pearce Race Rnd3 Bringewood 7017]
Round 3 of the Pearce Cycles 2010 race series took place a Bringewood near Ludlow. The weather was warm and generally sunny on Saturday morning with just the top section of the track still a little damp. The track for this round was the old nationals track, turning right off the start hill, with two interesting corners in the top section before crossing the fire road and then down the long (now tree-less) straight before another mainly new section in the bottom woods. This had a steep section, some what reminiscent of race at Kidland Forest a few ago, then the trademark stretch limo of a table before the finish.

[10-05-15 Pearce Race Rnd3 Bringewood 6763]

10-05-15 Pearce Race Rnd3 Bringewood 6972Within the first few hours the ruts got cut in and the faster more skilled lines emerged, this was especially true on the corners near the top and at the steep section at the bottom. The jump above the fire road gave some good action, I even saw quite a good suicide no-hander (unfortunately while I was getting my camera out – d’oh). There were only a few hold ups through out the day with the Pearce crew keeping things moving and the uplifts giving riders plenty of runs.

This time Irwin and I were camping with the rest of the lads – no Travel Lodge luxury this round. It was excellent weather for a barbecue, but unfortunately someone at Tescos had disguised a hand warmer as a barbecue so we waited ages for everything to cook. Luckily we had a camping stove so once we’d transfer some grub to that and we were cooking with gas (quite literally). The evening’s entertainment consisted of a track walk, in depth analysis of whether Brendawg really did jump from the fire road and land in the first woop at Round 1, Matt’s birthday cake, a quiz around the fire and watching Dogman digging a hole with a small machete and waiting for him to accidentally cut something off.

[10-05-15 Pearce Race Rnd3 Bringewood 7274]

After a reasonable nights sleep, although not as good as a Travel Lodge, we awoke to find that mist had descended, but the forecast rain hadn’t materialised. This was good, for the most part, but had it rained it would have made for great footage on the steep corner on the top section. The uplift started early and I headed up for some flash photography in the woods and was impressed by the height some riders where getting off such a small roller.

[10-05-15 Pearce Race Rnd3 Bringewood 7352]

Things soon warmed up as the sun came through and I got to the top, quite knackered, ready for the first race runs and trying to plan my filming and pictures to get the Monkeyspoon team and friends as well as the fastest riders and the, quite small, elite field in the best sections. I was shocked to discovery the organisers had not synchronised their watches before this operation resulting in races runs starting 3 minutes before 11:00! 😯 😉

[10-05-15 Pearce Race Rnd3 Bringewood 7531]

As the temperature rose in the open section so did the speed of the riders, pumping and pedalling their way down the long straight. I got some good long shots of mates coming down, although I could have done with binoculars for spotting them dropping in 200m away. One thing I didn’t notice at the time but later spotted on the footage was the heat distortion of the air when filming down the straight.

[10-05-15 Pearce Race Rnd3 Bringewood 7469]

For the second race runs I got to the bottom section in time to see the fast guys flying through the steep sections and dust ponds on the last corner in the woods. A lot of the bottom section was about pumping at high speed and with precision, and all this after 2 minutes of full on riding.

[10-05-15 Pearce Race Rnd3 Bringewood 7737]

Ashley Maller won the Elite with 2:04.38 and Kurtis Knowles won Senior with 2:08.62. Out of Irwin, Josh (Hay), Nat and Tom, Tom beat Nat by 3 seconds, Irwin came closer back to form; 2 seconds behind Nat, with Josh, not quite upping his performance as much as the others, 0.7 of second behind Irwin. Roots and Rain analysis.

All in all it was another greater race weekend; Dave Pearce rolled another fat one.

Our pictures from the race (& practise) are now available on RootsandRain and some of the best and mates are in the Image Gallery.
[RootsandRain Link]Day 1 & 2 Pictures on RootsandRain – 875 Pictures
[Gallery Link] 10-05-15 Pearce Rnd3 Bringewood Best – 48 Pictures


  1. Alex M said,

    Wrote on May 26, 2010 @ 12:20 pm

    sick video Jeff, imo thats your best yet, are you and James at all of the rounds then?

  2. King_Jeff said,

    Wrote on May 26, 2010 @ 5:36 pm

    @ Alex M:
    Cheers. Yeah Irwin is booked in for all of them and I’ll probably be going too. Next up is ‘Bala’ which should be good.