Hagg Tor & Gores DH 16th Sept

So back in mid September, James, Matt A and myself (Jeff) went for a ride of the EPIC loop. Heading up through Aston we did a bit of drain maintenance, unblocking the hole under the wall which was causing the steam to run down the path again, building on the previous work of a group known as Ride The Peak.

After lunch at top of the woods on HopeX DH we did one continuous run down which we all enjoyed. We pushed up the other side complaining about the dangerous and boring new surface that has been put down on the section up to the Snake, as a result of work on the bridge.

Sessioning Hagg Tor was great fun, we did about 3 runs each of the top section and got some nice pics. A slightly new line has appeared on the second to last corner on the top section, cutting back left just after the corner gives a faster line and better angle onto the next corner with the dropping tree that covers the exit.

Next we headed onto Gores DH, where we all set off from the usual spot, Irwin leading, and me sneaking out in front of Matt. I was doing well, good speed, clearing a few short rock downslopes with a slight hop, slightly manualling the two stream before the forest. I then tried to pull up off the lip of a piece of wood buried in the track, I landed in a slight dip and was forced towards the front of the bike, off balance, going fast and expecting to go down I braked, which was possibly my downfall… literally. I went down to the left, landing on my side and sliding along the bank and track. A quick check, nothing broken, my arm and leg pads doing a good job, my initial injuries being grazing on my hip and elbow and my left lower leg muscle was stiff, I think it must have taken a hit while tensed. This made getting to the bottom of the track ‘interesting’. We called off going up Grindle Clough to Whinstone Lee Tor and just headed home, which was quite painful on the uphill sections. I was walking with a limp for a week and not fully recover for two weeks, still at least it wasn’t a long term injury.

[Gallery Link] 08-09-16 HopeX+HaggTor+Gores JI+MA+JK, 12 Pictures by Jeff and Matt

1 Comment

  1. King_Jeff said,

    Wrote on October 25, 2008 @ 11:14 am

    There’s a large group ride planned for Sunday the 2nd of November by the Facebook group ‘Mountain Biking in The Peak District’, click for details. Starting and ending in Edale it’s the loop round towards Hayfield, the proper way (descending Jacobs Ladder). About 30 riders expected so far and there’s the option of discounted food afterwards at the Nag’s Head pub (you’ll need to put your name down for that).