Dig Day at Joe’s

We had a successful dig day at Joe’s on Saturday, with Joe, Jonny and myself (Jeff) present. Joe had already done the first roller line and the majority of the berm. The first thing I noticed about the rollers was they were pretty big, twice the size of the ones at the Bamford Pump Track, also the track slopes slightly down into the first berm, meaning you can just roll into the first berm without much effort if you want to.

Joes Pump Track

The berm is a little different to anything I’ve seen or ridden before, the down slope from the roller is quite long before the berm starts to curve, its fairly tight with a high wall and steep angle on the wall. The exit is the interesting part, a metre high large roller. It took some time to perfect the roller position, angles, and size, and even more time to perfect riding it. The combination of speed tightness and the exit roller means the berm has real kick to it, sucking you in and spitting you out where you don’t expect to be. If you don’t get you line right you end up shooting out the berm and going of the right side of the roller, or if you don’t have the speed to make it to the summit you have to jump off you’re bike and back to ground level. O and braking cos you’re scared would be a mistake too. 🙄

Jonny Pump Track

After we had finished digging for the day Jonny headed home and Joe and I pushed up the hill for some razzin ‘n shootin. I set up my flash on the extension cable and Joe sent the loose bracken flying.


As it got darker I noticed the sky was looking good with dark clouds and some slightly pink sky in between, after a bit of fiddling with the flash brightness and shutter speed I had the camera set to get the nice sky in the shot too.


I decided to go a bit controversial and keep the flash burst in shot, I think it adds something.
I threw the wide angle lens into the fray later on and then with the setup good we swapped over and got some ones of me looking quite good for a change (the pictures and riding, not me 😉 ).

Joe EggWhen we came back down the hill we stopped at the rocky track for some more shooting, it was pretty much dark by time I’d set up, so Joe had to stop as soon as the flash fired and blinded him. 😀

Thanks to Joe’s mum for the egg and bacon cobs, not just cos digging is hungry work, but more for the opportunity to see Joe make the Text Book mistake when eating an egg cob… again. 😆

I doubt it will be long ’til there’s another dig day, so make sure you get yowr ass to the next one, in the mean time check out the progress in the Image Gallery.

Picture links 08-02-23 Joes Dig Day JK+Joe+Jonny, 28 Pictures