Videos 2008
Our videos from 2008.
You can download the videos to your computer and then watch them whenever you want.
It is the 3ivX codec and will display both the 3ivX and XviD format downloads.
Got a view on any of our videos, if so we would love to know, so leave us a comment below.
Here’s a video of a compilation of all the stuff from the pump tracks that didn’t get used elsewhere from 2008. Featuring Joe’s pump track & Bamford and some dirt jumping and Jonny trying the illusive (to my camera) 360.
Riders: Joe, Jonny, Jeff, Irwin, Josh, Jack R, Matt A.
Please note: Joe’s pump track is private.
A video from 2008, filmed in May and August on HopeX DH, with James W, Irwin, Shane, Nicky & Jeff. The lesson to be learnt here is when Jeff rides sparks fly. 😉
View on Vimeo (1280×720)
08’08 The Beasts of Hope Cross MID
(640×480, Download, 3ivX, 50MB)
A Pump Track video of Irwin, Shane, Adam and Jeff. Two men have a vision to ride in unity…
08’07’29 Pump Track JI+JK+Shane+Adam MID
(640×480, Download, 3ivX, 50MB)
We did a bit of filming on Sunday and I’ve made it into a 2 minute vid, a bit tongue in check, enjoy.
08-03-30 Codename Sloppenfest MID
(640×480, Download, 3ivX, 51MB)
Youtube Low Quality – 2:00