Track: Hollins Cross – BackTor Bridge

Hollins Cross - BackTor Bridge is a bridleway near Edale, Castleton in the Peak District, UK. This page is intended to provide information for mountain biking on the track.

Rating: Technical / Speed / Fun: 3 | 3 | 3
Height Descent / Distance: 160m / 1.39km

Surface: Mainly dirt and grass with a fair bit of gritstone rock.

Location: SK 138 850 - Monkeyspoon OS Tracks Map - Google Aerial Map
Starting from Hollins Cross the track heads north east into the Edale valley, with some corners mid way down, before turning to a tarmac lane at the farm towards the bottom. After crossing a it bridge it comes out on the Edale-Hope road.


The track starts from the round stone pillar and heads down the right fork on the Edale side, between two stone posts. The first 100m of the track is on top of an old collapsed wall which lots of embedded, angular, polished stones. It curves right round the hill, flattens out and turns into singletrack with small gulleys before a gate. After the gate is small stream crossing in a dip before it steepens and drops into a gulley with some small drops and plenty of loose rocks toward the bottom. After 100m it switches back left with quite a narrow corner (there’s also a wider outside line round the back of the grassy hump). 100m of grassy flatter track follow before a switchback right. The track widens with a gravel surface and weaves following the wall on the left before coming to a gate. After the gate is about 200m of track enclosed with bushes before the start of about 500m of tarmac down to Back Tor Bridge and the main road between Edale & Hope.